Not a lot to update on right now. We have a Dr appointment on Thursday then we are having an ultrasound on Monday the 19th. Hopefully we will be able to find out if we will be having a little boy or girl.. Any guesses??
I have had SO MANY dreams about having a girl, it's kind of weird. I don't necessarily believe that is what we are having but am curious if my vibes, dreams, etc. mean anything. I have not had any boy dreams, early on I had a dream that I was having twin boys but ultrasound ruled out the possibility of two...
I am feeling really good, finally. I crave salad and fresh fruit all the time!! I think we have a health nut growing inside of me. The way pregnancy has changed my taste in food is still so crazy to me. I have always been a meat and potatoes girl, but the last 6 weeks or so, I can't eat red meat, it makes me sick. I am hoping this passes, BBQ season is here and it will be sad if I can't have a good steak or homemade hamburger!
We will post ultrasound photos and let you all know what we are having AS SOON AS WE CAN!! Were excited!!
Love to all!